morning, Monday already, the start of the working week for some. I hope that you are as well as can be, and that your day is a good one. Do you have any plans for today?...
morning, Sunday already, where has the week gone. I hope that you are all as well as can be and that the day is a good one for you. Anything planned for today? I have a phone call coming at 10am from...
morning, Friday already, end of the working week for some. I hope that you are all in good health, and that your day is a good one. Any plans for today?...
Just came back from having my nails done , it’s bitterly cold here , made a coffee to warm me up and my daughters just rang me, she had an oncology appointment on the 18th ( as she had breast cancer 7...
If someone in Broadcasting House was on air and said into a live microphone 'Alexa Stop', would all Alexa machines tuned in to that station around the world turned off?
This week Boris Johnson stood up in parliament and boasted “we have been cutting crime by 14%”. The actual crime figures from the Office For National Statistics show that crime is actually rising so...