1. Relative has a tailor's iron
2. Travelling mender joins an instrument
3. She could be Alistair's mother
4.Mixed seem
5. Oval food is valuable
Thanks in advance for any answers....
1. Spanish gentleman involved in loving touch 2.European Capital reached by short thoroughfare 3.Skylark in pursuit of disordered land measure 4.Morning after disorderly affray 5.I come in when envoy...
1.17th century Queen who wanted to keep the doctor away 2. A desirable woman 3. Female romany plaything 4.The very best in footwear 5. Spirited baby Thanks in advance
Can anyone help with these please:- Hap...........Rot Imp............Star Sock..........Bright Hay............Scot Flea............Fully Ox..............Spirit As...............Go And.............Cede...