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FT 14,975 19(a)Liable to lose one's memory (8) The only possible answer seems to be Volatile but for the life of me I can't see why. 23(d) Union notices exclude Poles (5) I have B?n?s Some help...
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27 (a) Sound level for listeners (6) I have ?t?a?t so the answer must be Strait, but why? Could some kind person explain. Thank you. Reklaw...
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FT 14,896 Need last two - so some help please. 2(d) Nanny reciting poem dedicated to fruit (2.4) 16(d) Lick man in depressed baldie (8)...
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ft 14,837 8(d) Probe filthy accommodation rented out (6) I have S?Y?E? I always say the shortest ones are the most difficult to see! Help please. reklaw
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ft 14,825 26(a) Notice a knock occasionally intruding during this (6) I have S
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The shortest ones always seem to be the most difficult although obvious when explained!! 5(a) A fags tip? (3-3) I have ?o? end. Some help please. reklaw...
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4(a) Stimulating piece behind box (8) I have ?p?r?i?g. Obviously ends in -ing but I still can't get the definite answer. Some help please -I have everything else. reklaw...
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I am stuck on last two which I am sure must be obvious! (5a) Where skylark sings the song in its heart (3-3) (11a) Prepared to raise your cholesterol (4-5) Some help much appreciated. reklaw...
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Stuck on last one. 5(a) Ensembles attain maturity keeping one on one. (7) I have R?P?E?i. I am sure it is obvious but I can't see it! Some help appreciated. reklaw...
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Stuck on last one which I am .sure is easy. 8(a) Outstanding winter features (7). I have ?n???e? Some help please. reklaw...
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24(d) Dance wildly with judge after sex party, half cut (6) The only thing which appears to fit is "Gyrose" but why? Can some kind person please explain. reklaw...
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Can some kind person out there explain (20) Expected to end in mortal combat (4) I have D?e? so looks like Dies or Died, but why? Sometimes the shortest ones are the hardest. Thank you. reklaw...
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Must be getting very dim in old age, but can not understand how the answer to this last one is arrived at! 26(a) No dispute over billing in such a show (4,4) I have O?E ?A? Seems like "One Day", but...
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Must be getting senile, but can't get the last two which are probably absolutely. obvious 12(a) Categorise missing leader as "Third Man" (4). I have A?e? so looks like Abel, but why? 12(a) Side has...
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ft 14,553 3(d) Queen's official looking up his remit (10.5) It seems to me that the first word can either be "astronomer" or "astrologer". Which of the two is the most apt, always bearing in mind that...
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What's happened to the Universal Crossword Solver site? If you click on it you just get the Universal Anagram Solver ???...
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Does anyone know where I can get the Franklin crossword solver cwg-200 or know what Franklin product has replaced it please.
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Some help please. 13(d) Reject Potter's last objective (9). I suppose it must be BLACKBALL but why as it does't seem to fit with other clues particularly 23(a). Explanations much appreciated. reklaw...
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Stuck on last one - it seems as if it should be easy, but some help please. 7(d) Chap to leave a served vegetable (9) I have M?N?R?O?T...
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Ft 14,298. Stuck on last one. Some help please. 18(d) Spooner's male rabbit, provider of spread (8) I have ?o?e?b?e. It looks like MOVEABLE but why? Possibly a Spoonerism...

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