Hello, we have a few maggot looking insects that have appeared again... Our kitchen isn't a tip or have hordes of food lying everywhere... We thought if we could identifi the coulprits then we could...
Apart from the obvious candidates who work whatever the day is.....
Because Boxing Day is a Saturday we will probably have to work...
Anyone else pleased......
Hello... There has been for a few days now an injured rook, it's wing has been damaged and its unable to fly, it's been feeding on scraps and fallen berries... It's sad to see and wish I could do...
I've been looking at things to buy from this website which lists items for sale locally and would be interested if anyone else has used this website...
Thank you...
If I cancel my sky subscription will I still receive the free view channels from the sky box... Or do I have to buy another free view HD box......
I recently had to go to the John Radcliffe hospital and almost had to sign myself in for treatment after undergoing the car park maze....
Are all hospital car parks like this......
The people who have a ' disabled ' relative..... The grandparents with car seats... ' I'm only going to be five minutes ' brigade... It really is annoying to see the blue badge across the dash board...
The film title please...
It's a story based on the idea the Shakespeare never wrote his novels but some sort of ghost writer....
It's was around two or three years ago....
Thank you.......
Hello.. I'm not sure what to do in this situation.. I bought a pair of Timberland shoes from a business seller on eBay.. Yes, I wore them and was amazed after only two weeks the tread had worn...