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: ) (not me!)
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Where the hell is her stomach and internal organs? I thought the photo was airbrushed at first, until I watched the video!!
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I have a miniature poodle whom I have managed to get reasonably well trained so far. My big problem is travelling in the car. As soon as I open the car she happily jumps in. She doesn't make a sound...
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My friend has a king charles spaniel and last night his back end went. He didnt fall or have any accident, this just happened. He was taken to the vet who did some replex tests but there was no...
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Is it possible to bake bread using plain flour as opposed to bread flour? If not, why? Sorry to seem dim, but have run out of bread flour and don't want to venture out!
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Where is it falling? Wiltshire still sunny at the moment.
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it may warm up, definately too cold to snow here in Lancashire
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My nose is really blocked but its a not a cold becuse whenever i go to blow my nose nothing comes out at all. And normally i can hardly breather through my left nostril. Its also affecting my ears...
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Im a BusyBee
Well......who still has some left?
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I've always vaguely wondered how any family could get over £30,000 a year on benefits. This article explains where it comes from and allows the family to explain where it goes out to. Perhaps we...
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I have just had a phone call from an Asian man telling me he was from the Electricity Board and that because we pay our electricity bills immediately we have been selected for the provision of a...
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My tank has large angels, tetras and a few other small fish, a plec and plastic plants. No new fish for at least 6 months. Yesterday noticed the tank is suddenly full of snails, at least a hundred -...
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me and my mate were on about getting punished when we were kids and which non physical punishment we hated the most... Mine was getting sent to bed with no tea.... I hated when my mam did that and...
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My husband has just gone away to sea for 2 months,should be used to it by now but I still hate it.
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I know they are saying to try and wait till the baby is 6 months old now, but my lg has just turned 3 months and is already showing signs of being ready to start weaning! She is constantly chewing her...
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For no apparent reason I seem to have developed brittle nails. There has been no change to my diet which is well balanced. Any suggestions for a cause and a remedy?...
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My 17 month old springer bitch is healthy, fast, lively, and absolutely adorable in every way. She is fit, solid muscle and bone, not overweight though slightly small for a springer (19.8kg). We have...
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Do you think that these boobs are real or has she had something done to them? http://i151.photobuck...%20etc/weirdboobs.jpg...

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