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"To err is human, to forgive divine". I used this expression on here yesterday(!) Now, I do err an awful lot, try to forgive, but never EVER forget. But, thru it all I do try to remain...
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In the late 60’s early 70’s I remember ice cream powder that made the best ice cream I’ve ever tasted. It came in a tin which was predominantly light blue in colour. Does anyone...
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For the first day of summer, Google have come up with this - gaudy, or what?!
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I have just inherited an old lightshade with crystal droplets (chandalier style) it's not very big and I would rather have it on a table lamp rather than a ceiling light. Does anyone know of a fitting...
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i ve got a female rabbit and she is very quiet . is it possible to introduce another rabbit in the cage with her or would they fight? i think she needs a companion but not sure if its a bit late now...
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what has he actually done? Ok so he built up "amstrad" but really - what has he done lately? Also "on offer is a 50/50 partnership" - is the winner gonna put 250000 in then? What...
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She is a cross terrier and I have had her from the rescue center for 5 months. She was house trained in 12 days and always looked at me or gave a little bark when she wanted to go outside to do her...
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my hair is very fair naturally, but greying lots now especially at the front, have coloured it for years now, when we had the very hot weather a few weeks ago it became very light, today I put a light...
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I bought my daughter some leggings with writing on the side of them. She wore them once (which was 2 days before we went on hols) and the writing started to come off. This got a lot worse after I...
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Am very happy to feed all the birds that grace me with their presence at my bird feeder but..........the bally pigeons have worked out how to empty the feeder in a nano second (okay, am exaggerating a...
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man i am so mad today cause the other day i signed up for this site called fun advice and posted a question and this one girl commented and accused me of lying about my age and said i didn't sound 25...
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and is it a good thing. I have on the odd occasion but its got its drawbacks, like someone has to be in to collect the goods, and is it safe enough to give bank details that sort of thing.
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how and where do you store your empty hangers? they drive me mad and seem to turn up all over the place
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and anyone else interested: In my opinion, some movies just should'nt and can't be "remade",...
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I'm making a right mess of this. Anyway I think I've got it right this time. I put that picture on my profile that I'm trying to find details on. Might make things easier I hope.Thanks....
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We've just had our bathroom tiled and the "tiler" has spread the grout over all the tiles!! Can anyone suggest a good way of getting it off. I've been using my thumb nail to get into the...
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my mums cooker is tripping the fuse. It's an electric double oven with halogen hob. A couple of days ago she had the oven on and when she turned one of the rings on it blew the fuse. She turned off...
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Do any ABrs in here know of a currently manufactured bread bin which will accomodate TWO full supermarket loaves? Kingsmill -without having to squash them in and squeeze shut the lid?? Why can't...
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Hi All For quite a bit of time and time again - my little dog seems to sniff at the side of my shed of which I cannot get access to as it is wedged to a fence - then he barks hence I can be thinking...
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Or at least that is how I will be viewed by a large percentage of society it seems... off to the hairdressers to swap my redbrown for blonde... combine that with my cleavage my IQ will suddenly become...

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