Anyone doing the Lucazade Challange? e Can't get today puzzle for the life in me anyone help? The puzzle shows a musical note entering a verticle...
stuck again on todays puzzle, can any one help please e todays well known phrase is 4,6,1,2 words long and the clue shows R E B M U N R U O Y stood...
Any one got any ideas on todays puzzle? create a phrase from the folling:--------- MILONELION the phrase is 3,2,1,7 letters long - - - - - - - - - - - - - thanks in advance
Any one doing this e can't get todays puzzle for the life in me it's a five letter word the images show an oblong shape and then a fly or a bee anyway...
any one doing this ?? stuck on todays puzzle any one got any ideas?? e It's a bit like Catch Phrase....................say what you see !
8A 7 letters - o - a - r - gout of the foot or big toe 44A 7 letters - a - l - a - with burgess british diplomat who spies for the soviet union in the second world war
26a 9 letters relating to the bony projection of the ulna behind the elbow joint - - - - - a - a - 19d 6 letters a physical quantity used to represent another quantity american spelling - n - - - g...
9A............... protective footware worn over normal footware . 8 letters - v - r - u - - 28 A ........arranged in three rows especially of plants having thgree verticle rows of leaves...........11...
14 A Greek goddess born totaly armed from Zeue's head 6 letters answer should be Athena but the last "a" does'nt fit is it a spelling isuue ? i.e should it be Athene ?
26 a breed of cattle named after a swis valley ...9 letters - i - m - n - a - 18d of sirens and horns sounding two notes 3-4 letters two tone 40a west african gazelle having horns annulated by 10 or...
4d final communications setting conditions to be met 8 letters - l- i - a - a 31d in chemistry produced in atomic form and highly reactive 7 letters n - - - e -t 38 a in maths an expression containg...
30a english name for city in brlgium famous for lace making 7 letters - e--h--i- 34a gottieb unimaginative bourgeois fictitious author of poems writtern by satirical poets ...........11 letters - i -...