My naturally sunny demeanour is being sorely tested today :+(( I've been doing loads of boring domestic admin, plus hoovering and sock/knicker washing. And it's raining and cold And my credit card...
Hello Everyone, I have a Canon camera, model PowerShot A560, which used to be very moderate in its battery consumption, and is satisfactory in all other ways (we are not serious photographers, just...
I have just been asked to do front of house for a local theatre company.... you know...selling programmes...showing people to their the dark .....down the steps...Hmmmmm?
It has been suggested that recent hurricanes achieving land-fall on the east coats of the USA and the flooding of properties up and down the UK are evidence of man-made climate change. Is the weather...
Just had a bit of a run in with a nurse in our local A&E. Daughter #1 managed to tip her chair backwards and cracked her head on the radiator. Massive bump, thankfully didn't knock herself out and...