If one has sufferred a previous brain haemmorhage (birth mark to brain in this instance)is it dangerous to take medicines with prostglandins in. such as Indomod being used for ankylosing spondilitis....
I play on msn game zone regularly,on the online games, however since yesterday the games won't load. I have checked my java and macromedia are up to date and working fine, can anyone help?
Does anyone know what the music is in the older Abbey National adverts, or where I can find it? Like in this ad: http://www.absolutelyandy.com/tvadverts/videos_wmv4/abbe y_national_plane.wmv Thanks!
I've seen cordless mice, with an obvious feature, but also corded ones that say they're 'optical'. This means nothing to me- do they have a camera in them?
hi,my problem is this,I have a pakard bell diamond 1200 plus scanner,but I am unable to use it because every time I switch on I get a message saying;the computer cannot detect a scanner or...