I think this came out about 3 or 4 years ago. It was quite a gory film - and rather humourous! A group of about 10 people are on a work exchange (I think) and their bus breaks down. They arrive at...
A man becomes a vampire when he falls and cuts himself on a witch's grave (he doesn't realise this at the time). He slowly becomes a vampire without actually realising this is what's happening at...
Is this the series advertised on the ITV2 trailer? It doesn't give anything away, other than WINTER at the end. I've tried the ITV2 website, but it's not even recognising my request. PLEASE help - I'm...
Why is that things just dont go the way you think theyre gonna?What is it about life that things always go up when you want them to go down or left instead of right?I will tell you this if theres a...
Only forty minutes to go and I'm home free for the weekend :o).
I'm hugely excited becasue I've a plate of pig in blankets with mashed potatoes, gravy and veg for my tea!
Deep joy :o).
I'm at work today - slowly watching my brain melt through my ears! I'll be in need of a pick me when I get home toight, so if anyone's happy to chat, I'll speak to you then :o). Say 8 o'clock?
There's a little boy who says "Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon.....and for the rest of your life". It sounds like he has a cold (i.e. "fudda resta dor life"). I'm not sure if he's...
Hiya My 8 year old grandson has put 'Harry Potter Books' on his list to Santa, just in case Santa is not familiar with this product, can anyone point him in the direction of a full set of the 7 in...