What's going on with AB lately? It's taking an age to open a page after clicking on a question and even then the page takes ages to load. I'm getting very fed up with this. Why can something not be...
Hi boys to men have just played a montage of songs and one of them had the lyrics that went ill be there no matter how hard you try just wondering if anyone knew the name of the song and artist thinks...
ok the clocks go back at 1am. here in the reef too btw. so if you could turn the clock pof ypour life back. what would you turn it back to? remember turning back the clock doesnt change anything. well...
Just watched her being interviewed on Parky....What a lovely lady....gawd she never ages!!!! Now I'm not in the least jealous......but does anyone know the ruddy secret to her youthfulness..... :)
(she sings as she slurps down another voddy and diet pepsi and remembers when CB was ace) anyone else had a fab day and doesn;t want to have it ruined by trolls??? :...
Wee tyke is gorgeous.... Oh man I can't believe how beautiful and wonderful he is... You should see his eyes... sigh... I want one of my own....Right...That's it decided....how do I tell my...
It seems to me that this site being AB not just the CB topic as a lot of people that want to make contact with other people or in other words make friends, but may i add at a distance!! would it not...
Must be me. I post an answer to a question, trying to be helpful.....and it goes totally unnoticed. Post a reply to a question..... and no one answers after me. Well I do exist!
if people continue to put up insulting and abusive threads aimed at other users it won;t stand a cat in hells chance . That is why it was pulled the first time around.
i have always loved my dogs, lost a mastiff, had to rehome a rottie becos of my stepson shud we allow tham to control our lives or tell our currect partners woth these evil kids where to go
by the mighty springboks, we are spared weirdo wilkinson's ugly mug plastered over the tv and papers, anyone know the words to the south african national anthem?
CB is back yaaaaaaaaay lol its been 2 years since it 'closed' I notice a few names from before have re-appearead (I still cant spell lol) an open question to everyone......what have you been up to in...