You told me i only had to cook for 5 people on here? I've counted 8 in the last 10 mins. So which is it to be? Ahhhhh i get it now, you want all the pancakes for yourself? I am such a fool.
Hi AB Ed, can I have a CBE (Chatter Bank Eward) I sent in the CB Police and sorted the situation out, it's all calm over there now, no swearing or nothing. Made a couple of arrests, but they just...
Hello all. You give repeated references to "MSN" and similar. It is internet bad-manners, hints to all else that you have a secret side-show going, that you are going to lunch in a private clique. If...
If you were to sit down for say 4 hours to watch telly and you could pick programmes to fill those hours - what would be your ideal watching for the night ?