sorry for not giving clues
9d mathematical expressions containing irrationalroots of numbers
8a intelligent d???g? religious theory rejecting natural selection...
Why is now not possible to use 'back' button to return to previous screen. Originally it only required one depression to return then for reasons known only to your Techhies it required three, now it...
I think I may have gone wrong. 5a I have main beam so for
6d Person who holds extreme views - I have A???A
7d Group of chemicals found in bodily tissues N???D...
Just one left .... style of low stool with wooden legs (8) t?b?a?e? And also - I've got 3 of the 4 linked clue diamond jubilee coat tail bone china but is it "action bolt or bolt action? Or am I...
any help with the last eight much appreciated 5A. An old Italian silver coin, from the Latin for a shield 14A - A luxury vehicle Marque owned by General Motors 21A -French writer,critic and translator...