18a false platform 12 letters -s ------22a organises rows on a river 8 letters ---a---17 a breaking up is wonderful 8 letters ending in g . you might be able to see I'm not very good
25a property of enduring strength and energy9 letters t-u---e--/23 d old characters from omagh 5 letters none /12a used a spiritd retort 9 letters d-e-i-l-d 15a witty talk 8 letters ---a-t-e
8a pure as the unfolding flower 9letters _u_n_a_e_.11a prisoner gets hold of a stream of bells 8 letters c_e_l_o_t.v. programme ? letters are onaolslyk.
8a pure as the unfolding flower 9letters _u_n_a_e_.11a prisoner gets hold of a stream of bells 8 letters c_e_l_o_t.v. programme ? letters are onaolslyk.
stuck on 3 7d doctor made out it.'s a funny gap in the teeth 8 letters ?i?s?e?a. 14d just as shiny as before, but don't worry!.2.6 n? m?t???.24a the right locations for "a deformed and scurrilous...