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11a Fox? Has got into hosptal -bother! (6) E?L??? 16a Got reminder about remedial treatment (8...
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1. A French Fish Soup 2. A small Chinese orange 3. Portuguese / Spanish conqueror or adventurer of the 16th century Thanks in advance...
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17a) Antioxidant from plant - the thing in the morning to be swallowed (7,1)
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11ac arrange for clients to see printing tool 7 s*****l & 13ac ... so they don't have to be ordered 2,5 i*, st**e thanks...
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a9a Quick pic of unexpected attempt at goal S??????? 10aSulphur greatly affected island's seafood ???m?i 15a Flasher in street canbe a bolshie if mistreated B?????a ?e?c?n 31a Drop shot ? 21d Adviser...
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8d one whose expertise has developed in bits? n?m?s?a?o?o?i?t...
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10d keeping piano booking p???e???????, 12a radio panellist lets out meagre grounds ?r???? ?a?d??, and 18a even in crib ????l?e????? Thanks in advance!
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They take steps in many ways for progress 11 letters -E-E-T-I-N- A fire screen, perhaps 7 letters B-R-A-E Thank you for any help...
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a few lines due to be reported O-E
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19a. Hamlet character needs endless noxious drink (8) Thanks...
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Clues below are for names of sweets. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you. dating agency Nine, ten eleven Racist charm Tommy rot Worn around the neck Seen on a racecourse Part of chineses game...
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11a Green space people admire to some extent ??? 15a Piano ? 18a Vehicle check provided pattern M??t??...
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Could someone help me with this question please Which one of these characters is not the original one in cluedo? Mr Brown Mrs Orange Mr Gold Miss Grey Mrs Silver Many thanks for your help...
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2d Entertainment organiser getting wine before film (7) r---o-t I think the 3rd letter is P which makes it rapport but again I don't know why....
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7d Body once dictated to? (11) 8a Busy at work? (9) d---c-i-e detective? Why?
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11A Look who in paris sits in local, drunk informal 10L C?E?A???A? 27A Recorded damaged tree in close 7L E?A???D...
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21 down criticise the Spanish directors p???l 7 down group of women find socialist nervous is it wired or world many thanks...
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17 down daughter cheats fiddling with pressure transmission ?e?p???h 25 across shelter harbour a bit ????h 18 across internet meant new fun ??t?r???n?e?t 4 down mention conclusion to a few votes...
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Instruction to hurry at chess (3,1,4,2) Organ played before sweetheart started serving curry (5,4) Countries shared riches (12)...
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ivie needham
before our series of short visits. 11a(7)????I?y the situation that exists with relay- it changed. 13a(8) ???e?i?e subsidiary activity making team row. 1d(6)b????? be cautious with bear we disturbed....

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