1a Graduates rejected a Baltic cruise in time off (10)
6a Part of window dresser's flamboyant attire (4)
14d Schoolroom where one experiments with Socialist rhetoric (10)...
There are two that I cannot parse ... all comments much appreciated ... and thanks in advance. 9a - Taxing a couple in middle of rural America (7) A?D?O?S - must be ARDUOUS ... but why? 18d - Company...
20d,P?????s, Illustrations covering one form of exercise.
23a, ??o, Pope, Cleopatra and Napoleon have it in common.
26a, T?i???e, National emblem that blows down when it's windy....
Last one. 9a Metal products contributing in fact in war effort (7) T?N?A?E could it be tonnage? I don't know how to parse it if it is. Any help appreciated....
11ac. Inclination. To fade away in general. -r-d-e-t
24ac. Attach and aim a listening device. E---a-
15dn. They travel with others to work. -o-r-e--...
1 down (4) ?I?D Some musicians take course that`s not straightforward? Doesn`t sound like it. 5 down (8) ?I?D?O?? Way to claim territory perhaps, for a lark. 19 across (4) ??T? It`s used in leaving a...