Can anyone help me complete these phrases/facts containing numbers? 20TitP, 5PMotSC, 12 Tol, 22BoaST (tsw), 10PftlQiS, YSNS3BF. Managed the other 45 - but stuck with these! Any help appreciated!...
Can anyone help me to find the phrases / facts which contain these numbers? 20TitP 5PMotSC 12 Tol 22BoaST (tsw) 10PftlQiS YSNS3BF Managed the other 45 - but stuck with these!! Any help much...
24 Across - Isomer and alkene used to make synthetic rubbers, also present in crude oil - 6 letters -U-E-E? thanks for any help - this is my last clue!