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Rev. Green

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kevin king
what is static electricity
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is there anyone out there savvy enough in physics to ponder my idea, it is of an object i call an inverse element, the opposite of a space heater;the inverse element would be a band of material that...
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Rev. Green
How does a black hole attract matter if nothing, except a small amount of Hawking radiation, can escape?
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What is the most incredible scientific fact you have ever heard? This is mine: The LHC accelerates a clump of protons equivalent to a teaspoon of hydrogen gas at standard atmospheric pressure and...
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jolly geoff
where would it land ,behind,infront or on the train...
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Rev. Green
I'd like to buy a better mobile telephone, one which can show email and the odd web page. Can they use the wifi router when at home? It would be good to know what is available before approaching a...
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Rev. Green
When someone plays a stringed instrument - not a piano - left-handed, do they reverse the order of the strings? i.e. does a left-handed guitarist or violinist still have the higher-pitched strings...
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Rev. Green
How could we detect a magnetic monopole, and why is it said that if a single magnetic monopole exists then all the electrons in the Universe must have the same rest mass?
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From JK Rowling, Julian Barnes, Jerome K Jerome, and the Beatles to George Orwell. How?
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Nothing to do with Arubahz's post below but can someone please tell me how gravity works. I'm sure that ive asked something similar in the past but I just cant wrap my head around this. If an object...
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Ok. This is the thread suggested in the Alien Astronauts thread. I'm not asking so much for what the expansion is (I'm willing to accept for now the idea that space growing/being created is the main...
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Rev. Green
Escort vessel my inspector endlessly provides (8). The answer is CORVETTE, but why, apart from a corvette being an escort or escort vessel?
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Rev. Green
This is my last unsolved clue of the Great Wall Crossword No. 1 CLUE: Course of action. LIGHT: ?R?D?S? ANSWER: I can think of only CRUDEST or PRUDISH. I'm tempted to enter CRUDISH just to finish the...
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Rev. Green
It is cheaper to book for five days than for three. Are there any snags? Can you leave your car a day late, and collect it a day early?
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Rev. Green
I've mislaid my plastic driving licence. Can I legally drive in continental Europe with just the paper licence?
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Rev. Green
If the Universe ends with a Big Crunch is "empty" space left behind or does it disappear. In fact, does space every disappear e.g. near a black hole?...
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Examples of force carrying particles and matter particles...
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Rev. Green
A mirror has 60 LEDs, each lasts 5000 hours on average. When, on average, will the first LED fail. Obviously it depends on the spread of failure rates. 60 candles would all fail at similar times. So...
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Why does light go through some materials and not others. A diamond is more solid than a brick and a slab of hard glass more solid yet the glass and diamond passes the light. (Dont say cos its...

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