1d, Steps taken by sailors when one kind of wind follows another (8) ??????P? 3d, Like what divides us from US, as CIA once bungled (7) ??????C 10a, Scoundrel and libertine, good at heart (5) 12a,...
11a.get by the worst bends?(4,3,6)t?????e?????? 24a.frightening part of skelton(5,8)????e???????? 1a.trendy expression for bill(7)i?????e 5a.type of gas used on table(7)??????d 5d.average crime and...
Lovely sunny warm, calm day here in East Midlands .... what happened to that blustery rainy weekend which the forecaster said was typically Autumn? Glad we didn't get it but frustrated at just how...
Hi all :-) Been out for dinner and feeling too sluggish to find the last two.. Can someone help please? 2D A discussion or debate, of a hypothetical case or point, held as an academic activity M*O*...
Means of broadcasting for flying concerns?, (8), ?i? ?i?u?, Christopher is crafty, (3), ?l?, sly? if so, why? Places change so I stop in, (9), ???i???n? Tell everybody about a row overseas, (5,6),...