Only two to get;
1a When asked right,individual search brought about(2,7)O---Q---T
4d English reps keeping space for meetings(11)____g___n_s
Thanks in advance...
Final three and would appreciate your help ...25a Comma or stroke? (9)
?????r?ly, 19d Cake's dear (4) ?h?? and 26d Rod's double (4) ?p?? ...
many thanks...
Cannot fathom the lower left corner and would greatly appreciate help.
18a.Look initially at child lock.(5) I have L???H
25a. Dog food.(4) I have ???W
19d. Feel better.(5) I have ??U??...
28a Drunkenness. It seems to be inebr???y. Can't get a word to fit! 23a Indeterminate person (3,4,3) ?o? know who. 14a ........ Swine (8) G??????? 1a Most smooth and rich (9) C????????. Not doing...
Thanks for previous - help needed again for last two - 6d R???S - Manages to acquire first of gold bars and - 10a V???L?A - Everything in Bible in retrospect is conventional
It's always the little ones that get yer. 25 across. Daughter approaching ship in little or no light (4). D?S? or it could be D?D?. The only word I can think of that fits is dusk but I can't quite...
Guardian cryptic 23/7/11 struggling on last two! 10a "something living in whom sin a grotesque recollection(8)" i have ?r?a?i?m. 18a"sweetshop guarantees hot toffee fudge,unsurprisingly...
stuck on final two...17d Artist wrongly tries to put in pole (8) ?o?s???i and
24a Is bigoted leader to last? (6) e?i???
Any and all assistance gratefully received....