Whilst Matt and the other members of our works premium bond group can access their results on the app - I cannot! I wonder why they can and I cannot Do you think I’ve won a big amount (fingers...
To just die? I spent 12 hours yesterday at the hospital with my mum as she had a suspected blood clot on her lungs...as if she hasn't enough to cope with. Blood tests, 1 hour on a drip, a CT scan and...
I recently bought a tree from home bargains- I have planted in a pot in my conservatory and it seemed to be doing ok. Now though the leaves and shoots have all died off but the shoots at the bottom...
I intend to make a few Easter nests for the little ones. Can anyone recommend which chocolate to use? I suspect I could use ordinary chocolate instead of specialist cooking chocolate as it won't need...
I don't know if this has already been posted on here but i'll ask anyway. In the local elections on May 2nd, I don't know who to vote for, or if I should vote at all. I am a staunch brexiteer and in...
I recently planted a cherry tree in a pot in my conservatory. Now there looks to be quite a bit of room in the pot so I was wondering if there were any herbs I could plant in the pot too to aid the...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6R9wWsSQ6Tc "Since day one since day dot i've not changed anything from what i've stood for, to what i've said. Not a single thing " So the reason he left the ELD...
Why are the Leavers so frightened of a second referendum ? It can't be the cost, which is trivial considering the Brexit expenditure over the last 3 years. And surely given the appalling intransigence...
The son and heir has had his parents evening and he’s struggling with his reading I’m tempted to consult a tutor but, before that, can anyone recommend any phonic friendly books for a boisterous...
If an account pays 4% per annum on £10,000 how much would that be per month bearing in mind they make payments twice a year Thanks for the help on the obvious but I have a cold and I’m light headed...
Who will be first to 'dismiss' this because it's on Breitbart? https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2019/02/24/tommy-robinsons-panodrama-exposes-the-bbcs-left-bias/# from where will you gain the facts if...