1) where ware wear vibgyore 2) Hell 3 Heaven 1 3) Khaki Khaki 4) Hamlet Dictionary Wednesday (n and e are in bold print) 5) xcosmetics 6) Jan April May June 7) Fore Fore Fore ALL 8) blooded (second O...
Has anyone managed to obtain a copy of the theme music Walking on Air from Tales from the Country published by KPM Music Ltd and if so how did you do it. Thanks a lot.
Can anyone help with the last question please.
All answers are well known books followed by the author
1) TTSS by JLC
Grateful thanks to anyone who can help
Still need help with the following please :- 1) S 04.(0 is written as a number not as a letter and is attached to the 4). 2) a S is a 3 C L S 3) a H is a P of 6 L Thanks to everyone who has helped so...
Can anyone please help me with the following as they are driving me crazy ;- 1) S 04 2) a S is a 3 C L S 3) a H is a P of 6 4) a D is aC W 1 H 5) 5 F 2 E of B 6) a D IS A g OF 10 n 7) L 8 C in H...