Please can someone give me some hints for: 16. A creature that can fly from the north coast (9) 38. A writer long out of fashion (5) I think I have an answer but I'm not sure! 57. Bird - call to end a...
96. Inside it is in fact a long single (5). I have what I think is the answer, but can't work out why the word single is in the clue - can anyone enlighten me? 33. Bird is damaged lying on the road...
Last three, I'm sure I know the answers, (but don't get the word play in 6) 6. but the bruised girl super star rings Salvation Army (5,4,5)I have B???? E??? S????. 23. Affirmative response could lead...
What e-mail do I need to enter online? I've tried but Wordfinder isn't mentioned! or-----am I going senile?...
14 down: Showed up overseas seeking bit parts (6) ?A?E?? 23 down Awful fate of disreputable character (3,3) ??? L?T 57 down: Putting up with capital punishment (7) ?A?G?N?
Thanks in advance...
Before I go boggle-eyed please could someone give me a hint about 21. Doctor, enthralled by destiny, had time to become a high-flier. (7,4) & 34. Vessels that broke the rules about a young horse. (7)...
Please can someone help me with 95 across: Boring A?O?Y?? 42 down: Unstoppable force ?O?G?R?A?T 139 down: unfeeling I?????T? 195 across: Comparative example A?A???Y 112 down: Withdraw from bloc SE???E...