I've been up all night re wee Maxie, I have never heard this before. But he is rasping/dry cough and it has frightened me. He stopped for a while when I gave him a little chicken and rubbed his face...
Hi I seem to be going around in circles so I’m hoping someone can help. My mother is ninety and I’m trying to sort her tv licence and a blue badge. They want her national insurance number but I seem...
I had my first injection into my eye on, Thursday. I was terrified but it was actually a piece of cake!! The numbing gel worked really I only felt a slight pressure on my eyeball as it went in. My eye...
We feed our cat dry and wet food but lately seems to have gone off the dry, she is 11 yrs plus in age and we are wondering if shes struggling to eat them due to them being quite hard, so does anyone...
I was recently prescribed glasses for driving and TV, but I just cannot get on with them, things are not clearer more blurry if anything, so I won't wear them for driving, I went back to them, and...
How do they work ? Can a house hold of 3 people ( 2 adults , 1 child ) form a bubble with another household of 3 adults ? Both households are family members . First household - Mother / father /...
.....but, Age Related Macula Degeneration. I don’t know if I’m pleased or incredibly worried. I’ve saved £2K but don’t know what the treatment will result in. I’m being referred to the RVI and it will...
The bottom of y left leg has become distorted and there is huge dent at the side of it. Does not hurt but the leg looks lost weeird. It’s quite big and looks horrible. I noticed it a few weeks ago bit...
I posted this a few days ago about Boris Johnson lying - no one took any interest in the post. https://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/News/Question1715979.html Admittedly Boris has form, having been sacked...
What does your dog sleep on/in? Does it have a basket of some description? What sort of bedding in it?? Does it sleep in a crate, if so what bedding is inside? Does it have a cover for winter? Does it...
Living with mother who has two dogs and a cat of her own. I will be moving soon but I'm worried my cat will get lonely/depressed/anxious without them. Had her since she was 8 weeks and she is now a...
...it's nippy with children. I came across an ad for a beagle/collie cross...14 weeks old. It 'hates my son and nephew'. So it has to go...is this right? Are they giving up on this pup way, way too...
I see the Tories have voted to include the NHS in any trade deal.
TRAITORS to the People's NHS, we paid for it, it's OURS to keep, not to sell off to meet Tory financial losses....