Well, what are they? Mine are newsreaders who attempt to come out with a funny little quip at the end of the news - just read the damn news. People who use the words 'proactive' and 'synergy'. And...
Is there ANY way of tracing a received call that comes up as "private number"? I know this means either that the person is deliberately withholding their ID, or that they are calling from an unlisted...
Can anyone tell me how they make sex scenes look so real? I am not talking about porn or 'under the cover' scenes, but just regular movies when for example, you can actually see two people perform...
If you were to deal out 11 cards at random from a full deck of 52 cards, what would the odds be of all 11 cards being of the same suit, and how in the name of Alan d'you work that out? Ta.
Who's it going to be this year? I reckon Reyes is going to emerge as a fabulous talent this season....he's already showing all the signs, and with the rest of the Arsenal team around him, he can't...
Its my first time with a girl, and when i go down, were exactly am i going to pleasure her? i got no idea,but i know its the vagina, how far am i ment to go in?
how does a barometer work? If the barometric pressure is hi
does that mean good or bad weather. If the pressure is low does that mean good or bad weather? Thanks