I am constantly watching what I eat. I weigh between 7stone12 and 8 stone and am 5ft 4ins tall. In the last year my periods have near on stopped but doctor says nothing is wrong. I'm not pregnant. I...
Assuming our phones have been enabled for roaming, will Vodafone UK and Vodafone Spain contracts work in Tanzania? Anyone know if they're 900, 1800, or 1900 over there? Or accept European roaming...
what are the people of scotland wearing these days? is it true that they wear haggis? i heard that black pudding is some kind of hat, which bald men are inclined to wear as thay are under the...
i have recently taken part in a group debate about abortion. the question was 'if you found out at 12 weeks that your child may hev cerebal palsy, would you terminate the pregnancy? As without the new...