I thought I had finished this at last, but NO I have missed one. If any kind soul can help I would be Soooo grateful. 88) Mr Bond in Japan (4,4,4,4) Chloepoe
As one of my old teachers used to say - I'm all behind like a cow's tail - closing date is Tuesday 15th Can anyone help me finish this quiz please? Answers are all seasonal for Christmas and are in...
Link to interesting quiz: http://www.warwickschool.org/files/news/[dd][m m][yyyy]/Christmas%20Quiz%20Questions%202007.d oc Would welcome some help on Q5 or Q10 if anyone cracks them! Thanks.
Last one for me on the Bare Bones be grateful for help! 6D After no time system crashed in chaos M - S - Y. Could it be as simple as MESSY - but don't know why? Happy New Year to all!!
1) Quartered while in bed (5) B_SED 2) It's Miss Goldie's party - try getting a duck in! _O_Y 3) Simple, with no trickery. But cruel when it's 'eard in Tower Amlets (7) A_T_E_S
Please can anyone help me with these questions please? Which 5 elements in the periodic table contain only 4 letters? What is the scientific name for the hip bone? What sport has four different colour...
What are the items indicated by the initial letters shown below and what would be the next iem indicated by the question mark? G,ABM,C,TLOTR;TROTK,MDB,C,?
Help, please!! 1.This is not only contained in a bottle? 2.This show is unique to Britain. 3.A seven branched candelabrum. 4.Chin that gives crew (anagram)