An edit feature would allow errors to be corrected after posting and add updates to question. Obviously a history of edits is essential for where posters might change original post to agitate others....
I might be having a midlife crisis! Big birthday coming up and I am contemplating getting a tattoo and colouring my hair a deep shade of purple. Mr MBE is getting slightly worried what I may do next....
We decided last week that we would change to pay as you go for our electricity as we felt we would rather be in charge of our money instead if relying on estimated bills. We contacted British Gas and... I've heard of many unscrupulous landlord stories and can imagine this issue could be wide-spread. Who can tenants approach if they believe this is...
I see adverts from people offering to wash my wheelie bin once a month for £4 and (different adverts) clean my roof.
My wheelie bins are clean and why would I want my roof cleaned?... Interest rates rise by 0.5 percentage points to 1.75 per cent and this idiot with load of credit cards and loans is blaming the bank of England for his...
With the interest rates rising really high with the announcement from the Bank Of England, I know it's going to be a tough couple of years for Britain. Is there any good news for example for savers. I... Which begs the question how does she cope with day to day living - and more curiously, how does she care for herself?...
Which ones can you remember?! I’ll put this in CB as a big of Thursday afternoon fun as if it’s in adverts it’ll probably go unseen You’ll wonder where the yellow went when you brush your teeth with... 300 bites / 1 death / 1 finger amputated . (presumably the BBC paid money for this story!) Whereas in India: Published reports suggest that between 81,000...
I’m in a local FB food group where everyone was chatting about what they roughly spend a week on grocery shopping, and the amounts vary so much!! There were people who swear blind they cannot get...
tools: - sports gear - a room with a white wall or ceiling - a slipper steps: 1) get into sports gear and put on slipper 2) position yourself so that the fly is between you and the white backdrop 3)...