1d Kind lace named after finance minister of Louis XIV (10) -o-b-r-i-e 10d Source illumination once used transmitting Morse code (5,4)a-d-slamp 27d Group which was second in UK heat 1981 Eurovision...
Any help with last few please? 34d change arrangment of atoms in molecule (9)i.o.e...e 56a traitor,apostate (7) ...f.d.l 75a in immediate vicinity (7) a.b.e.. 72a Assistant Bishop,suffragan (9)...
Can anybody hep with last two clues:
9d:Substance formed from oxidation of indigo (7) i-a-i-e
19d:Egyptian Christian whose church predates the Muslim conquest (4) -o-t
After I've melted chocolate and poured into moulds to make lollipops I put into the fridge to set but am getting white spots on the chocolate when they come out of the fridge and have been wrapped....