Stuck on 7A &16D 7D Island famous for cakes and wine: ?A?E?R? 16D Expressions os approbation P?A?D?T? Thanks for any answer - hope I dont have to Kick myself too hard
Having put a law type question (about dealing with stalkers) on "people and places" because there is no law section - maybe you should have a law questions section.
I have been stalked by a crank for over 25 years - its only relatively recently in this country for any kind of laws to appear and for it to be taken seriously - apart from putting an injunction on...
13a practise,repair
?E?E?R?E - Could be research except for E at the end - which comes from kindergartens for 8d which is right.
Thanks for any answer.
21a - Brazilian F1 driver racing for Ferrari in 2006
Tried google in various combinations..
Thanks for any answers - this is last one - got all the others and the you xwrd
Parliment of germany - 26A Thaught it was Reichstag
But the letters I have are: ?U?D?S?A?
19d being Hecuba, 20d Brodsky, 10d Pet Sounds & 27d being Aston villa - so its not reichstag