I have bought a 'Car Dash Cam' via Amazon (Customers ID = qhmguk )
The instruction book is in bad english, has anyone any information that could help?...
I have just purchased a Panasonic TV, TX-40CS520B New but no Instructions' Is there a user manual a s it seems to be rather complicated to work without some good instructions?
When I open my phone there are various icon and one particular icon, the MAIL icon (the one to open the eMail program) this said icin has a little red banner attached to it with the figure 350....
I joined a program called 'Picturetrail.com' in 2003 with an annual charge of $19.95 this allowed me to put some of my personal photos on the internet. This I did for a few years they charged me for...
While I am waiting for my house to be sold, is it a good idea to look for a future property now, or to wait till a buyer puts an offer in to by my house? In the past when I was in the same position 20...
I have W7 , I purchased the Program with installation CD for Corel Paintshop Pro 4X and used same Program for some time ,but eventually uninstalled it as I did not need it, now I have tried to install...
Can anyone help? I had a program for editing photos, and cannot remember what the program was. At the moment I have Coral PSP X4 and Photoshop Elements 8. They both have an icon, for instance Coral...
I have been receiving Emails from a friend for years and all of a sudden their address has had a bit added on;- for instance- their address is usually in the normal form 'johnandjean@yahoo.com' this...
I have a 16GB memory stick that I have not used for some time and my computer has been re-programed at various times, the driver for this stick has most probably got lost along the way. It is a Memory...
I use a Canon EOS.500D. Is it better to take all photos in RAW, or to take them in RAW&JPEG ? I do have Photoshop Elements 8, but I would like an explanation about which is the better to use....