30d Zoological name for an animal in the family that includes horses, donkeys, hinnies and zebras (5) E???? = Equus surely? But 40a is Potter noted for cream-coloured Queen's Ware and also Jasperware...
ruminant mammal native to Europe and asia 40D 3,4 R?E ?E?R
35A Doomed to be prosecuted. About right 8 ?C?U?S?D
38AA doctor transported with a vehicle 9 A?B?L?N?E
Food fish related to the common perch 3,4 R(orS) ??, ?A??
Like bread containing yeast 8 ??A?E?E?
examination of a system under unusual pressure 6,4 ?T?E??, ????...
Also known as grains of paradise, a spice derived from a plant in the ginger family, tastes like pepper, coriander and cardamom (10) M-L-G-E-T-. I found an answer to this but it's too short......is...