First time I have reached sunday without completing the sat xword - thought it particularly difficult this week only one word left 12d bring out (6) ?N?E?L cannot decide whether it is UNSEAL or UNVEIL...
got to leave early and need help with last two
4. Climbing shrub with highly fragrant white flowers ???M?I?
5. Division of a large and complex organisation ???N?E
(last one links with OLIVE
18d Obselete word meaning verdue (7) I have GREEN?H 25d Associate of institute of chartered secretaries and administrators (4) The institue is the ICSA - how are these juggled to make ?C?S 13d I cant...
15 ac botancial term meaning to wither gradually from the the tip backwards (3,4) d-e -a-k 18 dn obsolete word meaning verdure (7) g-e-n -h 28 ac word indicating that something will be easy (2,5) no...
Sunday Telegraph :-) Is the James Bond film, Never say never again? ( RINANEVAESEVRNGAEY) Also, cannot fathom 23 across, last clue:-), so any help much appreciated 23a) Witty riposte(9)?e?t?n?e? Mtia...
Does anyone know if WEBSCAN is a good word - it uses all 7 tiles and gets the 50 pt bonus and way outscores the target of 42 pts - I see it all over google but wonder if it is a trade name ?
Finished todays puzzle ok, seemed fairly straightforward but am just uncertain about the spelling of 20d logic tells me that an Italian hors d'oeuvre should be ANTEPASTO but dictionaries are saying...
seems like a high target this week - best I can do so far is shaky and waxy for 59 pts and thats a long way from 77 !
Has anyone got a clue as to where to start?
Two 'Katies' this week! 32d Annual vine grown in China, Japan and the Himalayas for its reddish-coloured edible seeds (6,4) Adsuki or Adzuki bean? Chambers prefers Z. 4d The largest of all citrus...
Just two left that are puzzling me 13d There's a passage about Art Nouveau. It's unintelligible (6) ?T?A?T everything seems to point to it being ATRAST - new art in the middle of a street - but I know...
need some help today to get started 1ac This time the game is not in the bag (5,6) ????? S???O? Something SEASON ? 10ac Be a good looker but no beauty competition winner (4,7) ???? ?O???N? 30ac...
would appreciate three confirms or otherwise 1ac Crazy report on cannabis (8) ?R???P?T is it CRACKPOT 3d Happy to accept sibling who is compatible (10) ??N??S?E?T is it CONDESCENT 8d Weigh heavily on...
Of course, being cynical, 29ac could be a ploy to void this puzzle and save ?50 - times are hard ! Also 20d We always spelled this as OMIKRON in our Greek classes at school - but I see some...