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I am reading a book by Karen Rose and I need a glossary. I can make a rough guess from the context but I would like to know exactly what is meant. I have "BOLO" "IA"...
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I have just opened the paper to find that this is no longer a prize crossword. I never won a pen and don't really need any more pens but I feel somehow that the incentive has gone. It's like playing a...
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5D Mark on stave: " see about contalto turning up in wobbly E flat"(4,4) I have ?L?O ?L?F. It looks like "ALTO CLEF" but I don't see the word play. 4d Noisily respond to slip...
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I am sure that part of the music used to be used as the introduction to a BBC programme. I think it was "Panorama" but I am not certain. Please can anyone confirm or correct?
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4D Coastal town disease? I have ?E?S?D?R?S?R?. It looks like "SEASIDE RESORT" but could somebody explain the word play please?
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Sorry about the date... premature use of the carriage return ket. 4d Part of hospital gets drunk, up for port. I have E?T?E?O?
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18d Do fresh dubbing of film - it's for nothing in part. I think it must be "retitle" but I don't follow the word play.
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44A Stews and soup are served with meals, regularly. The answer appears to be "BROTHEL" - "BROTH" = "soup" and "EL" being "meals " regularly - but...
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6d Bent against back road ?E?A? 18d Arrange for Sasha's alter ego to have name ?L?G? Thanks in advance
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1A German barman drunk? I have B?A?M? It looks like an anagram but Ican't solve it.
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Last one 26D: battle providing the French with form of entertainment. I have L?P?N?O so it looks like LA(or maybe LE)PIANO but I can't find any reference to either. Any ideas please?
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Keenness of glutton outside old French city ???G?A?C? Thanks in advance
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13d Completely irresponsible profligate A?A?D?N?D It looks like "ABANDONED" but I don't see the wordplay...
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15a During short recess no German needing to be driven a long way home? It looks like "NINE INCH" ("NEIN" inside "NICH(E)" but I don't see the definition. Anyone out...
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I would like to support the farmers by only buying products from producers who pay a fair price but I cannot identify who is and who isn't. For example, I usually buy Cravendale milk and Cathedral...
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12A Servant vital to airman. I have "?A?K?Y". It would appear to be "LACKEY" but where does the airman come in? I know there is a Lackey moth but I don't see any relevance
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9d Is worried about small pet. I have ?A?E?S
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Does anyone else have problems? Almost every time that I log on, my machine hangs after a few seconds and the only way to cure it is the three fingered salute. Task manager tells me it is not...
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1D Index put forward. ?A?L? Any ideas would be gratefully received.
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23a One experienced artistturning back to Princess Diana. I have "ARTEMIS" and I can see the reference to Diana but I do not understand the wordplay. "AR"is obvious but...

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