every time a come to this thread i see nothing but people needing help to finish a quiz to win a years supply of dishwasher tablets or complete a crossword. is this how it was supposed to be? bores me...
editor, This has been asked before and i still see no logical explanation for it. Now why do the posts that break NONE of the rules get banned? I posted a question to...
The white enamel (paint) inside my microwave has chipped off. The inside nows looks black in places and very messy, even when its clean. Does anyone know if there is any enamel covering I can use...
has anyone got any more polite or irreverrant alternative phrases for going to the toilet, i once had a book with a list of victorian ones that were acceptable in polite company, but i like humerous...
Dear AB I thought this section was for users to make suggestions to improve this site. I have seen several suggestions so far, some very useful, but so far this month i have not seen one...
Dear Vinny200 Your pathetic attempts to draw me into your "imposters" game will not work. Before you started all this nonsense I thought this site was worth contributing to. Now that people like...