Sloth's a regret when returning to large area of land - seems to be EURASIA which is a large area of land but where does the Sloth come in - it would be EURASIAN if the answer meant sloth ??
A cipher featured in news soon - seems to be ANON but why. Also - table for a Jamaican fool and poltroon - two words 4 and 7 and second word is chicken but have ?E?K foe the first word and cannot...
Reason sensation happening - answer is WITH IT - combination of WIT and HIT - wit could be reason and a hit could be sensation but WITH IT does not mean happening to me !
Fast pace cut time cut back - gallop - someone earlier said it was "poll " ( cut) and " ag " ( age cut ) all back but I cannot find a definition of poll as cut anywhere !!...
Spells " musical passages " why is it EPISODES
Untwinned large town abandoning its leaders case - ODDITY
Something at the atomic level breathes oxygen over shark -ISOTOPE
Thanks gang !...
Sadly the traditions of US apartments - 3 & 6 - I have C?N ?O?O?E - also please parse CRATER as the answer to - large hole where bottom caught with fundament in fact squeezed up...