Why do some people never give feedback to our answers? I answer questions because I enjoy it and I don't expect undying gratitude for my efforts. Some people are so nice when you get an answer for...
21a) In place from which air comes (6) _ P _ _ _ D 3d) Shrubwith yellow drooping leaves (8) _ A _ U _ N _ M is it LABURNUM? 15d) Can't be copied (10) I _ I _ _ _ A _ _ _ 28a) Very cold,frosty ( 5 ) G...
Sorry, should have posted this last one with the previous one, just realised I hadn't completed it. 1a). Relation of flea, say, to its host (10) P - R - S - T - S - I guess it's something to do with...
can someone out there stop me from going completely 'nutty'? have been trying to find the answer to 2D, Treelike since yesterday. Many thanks to anyone who replies
14d) Facsimile generator (10) - E - R - D - C - R 12d) Disturbance or annoyance (11) M - - - S - A - I - N I normally ask all my questions together on one posting but, today I have got some answers...