5d a brackish and freshwater genus of sea snail (8) 13a shakespeare's humiliation(6) 18a rattus rattus for example(8)20d an austalian tree with fibrous babk(9)
any help with these would be appreciated.16d look round ship nearer the bottom(6) 22a he advances after final enemies slight(7) 19d fret about dirge(5)
stuck on top left.1a part of denmark a promontory(7) 9a miraculous place with loch and waterway (5)1d trick by manoeuvring one ridin up(6) 2d half the score with one combiation of cards(6)
help needed stuck today.1 and 3 a adult males competent and likely to cooperate(8) 6 and 7d always effective for all to see aboard ferries at sea(4-4) 1d full of admiration for a bridge player at a...