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any gorgeous hunky members on here ....want to add me their friends list on FB The ex has now got on FB, and added women (I think just to wind me up too) yeah, its pathetic, but 2 can play that game!
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Any advice here will be REALLY appreciated thankyou all. I am a finla year student at uni doing a computer network degree. This is what happened. I was ina burger bar when this lad infront of me was...
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Hello, I have just received a letter from a debt collecting agency who say that I owe ?1,600 to E.on (formely Powergen) for a previous address for years 2005/2006. I am shocked as you can imagine!!!...
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We have no idea who it is - could be an angry boyfriend, anything n644944.html
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if u owe money to credit cards for more then 7 years and do not tell them and u marry will they find out and chase u on ur new name
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I was found guilty last year of 'Resist or obstruct constable' Police Act 1996 S.89(2) (I was charged and found guilty for 2 offences as there were 2 officers). This has now appeared on my Enhanced...
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what is the difference between people highlighted in gree/grey?
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someone who you regulary talk to on here, turns out to be sitting in the same office, of work in the same town!! hahahahahhahaha, i think id rather not know actually!
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I am wanting to attend a detox clinic in Thailand for alcohol dependence, i wondered if anyone knew of any good places which offered such help ? also if some of these places offered thai boxing as a...
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my son is going to court next week on a racial abuse charge,as somebody claims he heard him say a racist remark. he is not guilty of this,but a solicitor says the worst case scenario is 6 months...
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The long awaited court case starts tomorrow and I am absolutely terrified! My friends have been doing their best to keep my mind off of things but I just cant believe its here already! I dont know if...
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my former employer has been paying money into my account,this has been going on for over nine months without them realizing there mistake, where do i stand legaly?
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does any1 know what the sentence for unlawful imprisonment could be?
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i have been caught on cctv for shoplifting, i am devastated as I was not thinking straight at the time, no exuse I know, but was in a bit of a state at the time so therefore the police officer who...
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Thank God this has been opposed. If we allowed this, children will be running riot in a few years, and a lot worse than it is now. No wonder this Country has the worst % for underage sex, drugs, drink...
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if you have a caution and a CBR check is being done for a cleaning job in an elderly persons care home will the caution show up or is it only if u have been convicted and hav a propper criminal...
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what do you think about the new warnings on cigarette packets, do you think it will make a difference to people who smoke?
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To my horror, I eventually got a letter from the council where I used to live back in 2006, saying I still owed them some council tax (just over ?500)..since then Ive moved 3 times..and had no idea I...
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My partner has been in custody since april 9th this year, charged with section 18 wounding with intend. he pleaded not guilty and was given a trial hearing of 2 days back on the 3rd and 4th september....
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Is it illegal to hack the E mail or social networking account of someone else and then send abusive messages to people from those accounts and also post revealing pictures on the networking account,...

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