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...together in a car. Who's driving?
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Gill 05
Ahh, That feels better :-)
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as a person?
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Alright Dave? ;o)
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For ladies only. This time I'm NAKED .
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Do any of you consider the people you have met on here to be friends? Or is a case of when you are not logged in to CB you forget about the people and the site un till the next time you log on?
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and what colour are ya eyes?! me = travel agent / blue
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if i get my finger out and get some work done byeeeeex
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Let's all play Scrabble!! I'll start.4 letter word: COGS (I'm sorry but I had bad letters). That's double word score, so 14 points to me.
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This is Death Row inmate thread. AB Ed is George Bush. By 12pm GMT 25/11 the thread gets exterminated, unless anyone can come up with something in its defence. Save the thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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....Is there any way you could delete all the nasty, backbiting & childish threads that have appeared on CB, etc., in the last few days? I know we can skip past them if we don't want to read them...
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I just hope you are REALLY PROUD OF YOURSELF! Mr and Mrs Twiglet did a fantastic job and we loved going there. WELL DONE!!!!
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What has happened to froggers? Is it no more? Why?
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How's you all doin?
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how much mecanical energy is stored in sea waves
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Having a bit of a discussion at work (I know!!), but why does the temperature rise slightly before it snows?
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If you could be reincarnated as an inamimate object, which inanimate object would you be?
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Saw in the news that Heathrow Terminal 1 now has wireless broadband for travellers to use. How does that work exactly? Can you with wireless use any ISP which is in the area? How do you get charged? I...
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do they go to chat room heaven next to the great big pixel in the sky? or do they live in our memories as we wait in the post office for our welcome state hand outs?

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