14a It preserves official of parisian park (12) 11a Dawn French initially confused this girl with bit of teasing (5,5) 1d Numberless spies remove person in field (3,3) 7d Fishes will make attacks...
17a cancellation of show containing empty rows (8) re-e-s-l
22d Middle Eastern states first stop (5) a-e-t
21d Broadside from one stuck in traffice (6) -i-a-e...
if 10a after a game find scrabble piece thats on the floor (6.4) is carpet tile and 1a Hedraldic battle dress (4,2,4) is coat of arms What is 4d Carriage upside down on road crossing (7) thought...
12a Take some euros to visit Russian port (6) 23a Warship to press young man rounding cape (4,4) 26a May trotter get a support? he famously crashed one of these (10) 28a A queen wearing red beads (6)...