two to finish, help would be appreciated butter bread notably omitting filling and try with astarter of tomatoes (5,4) n?n?? ?o?t old man's curse reeling after swindle d?t???
help please with the last few daddy's legs for mary p???i?s raise for supporting subject for debate ??o?o?i?? very small number put on record ????t?n arch emperor not second in rank thanks! m???i?u?e
help please with Italian is evil seizing good men S????? Appropriate woman joins Times A???? Equip mother wit part in play - its garbled nonsense (9) Bird eager to dislodge a piece of fruit (8)
make denial say in a state ???a???? vehcile almost stuck in favourite Indian city ????e????? mentioned trader in wine stocks ????a? black mood of the French couple d?????r red port ?l?????g name of...
stuck with took exam open to anyone at price that's steep (8) henley's latitude (6,7) Face rival carrying flag ?i???? rustle check on standing (4,5) ?a?? ????? thanks
question filling in indian savoury: liberal portion of bone s?u?????? stars piped up supporting case of celebrity ?????s one of asian steppe natives united when surrounded by racists ??l?n thanks
can someone help with the following please Indian holy man and saint join brief embrace ????h? Half drunk musicians producing metal rich rock ????b??? Very hot rock limiting temperature in Czech river...
help with the following would be appreciated weed almost blocking drain possibly could be found in evergreens p???i?????? ITALIAN'S GOOD PLEASURE FROM BLACK POLENTA THAT IS COOKED TO EAT COLD...
help please to get me going gull eats right fruit (5) Past King in Cornish town died and missed (10) Stimulant half knocked back gets us to concentrate F???? Dramatist finds lower condition in home...
need one answer on each oftwo crosswords to complete them please one in seven is like thirteen n?i? psychotic people reportedly intimidate insurers ???l?i?s
clue : backing old horse did for old poets I have n?g is it just nag and if so why please? help also with the folowing please get a false understanding from rough skim instantly (7) why make reforms...
Help please to get me started with top corner Whirling dervish's wife entering African republic (7) Cathedral city area dumps a thousand following chapter in Russian city (10) bishop approved coming...
WOULD APPRECIATE HELP WITH THE FOLLOWING non-stop ceilidh music played on such a machine (4-2-4) ???r ?t ???r soft one cries repeatedly about serial on the radio (4.8) ????? ???c???? spruce trees...
help please with the following talked abit of peterborough, in its historic place ?p?c? one transfers property to foreign gold a???n?? false rise as it were, in passenger transport (5) collar, old,...