I have one left - 10A
Unpaid acting PM shot? No! (2-4)
Have ?M ?R?M
Think second is possibly prem but don't know the phrase if so. Help appreciated please....
Would greatly appreciate some help. 10a. Sky broadcast with Lulu or Gaga? (4,5) I have ?O?? ?K?L? 20a. Faulty coaches' terminus before getting parked outside Victoria.(7) I have ??R?I?? 8d. Row on...
2 dn. Indianan mostly more difficult to please. (7) H-O-I-R
No-one else seems stumped by this. My solver only comes up with HOOKIER which makes no sense to me. Help appreciated....
I've got the five names and made a suitiable replacement...but I can't see the answer to 42Across:
Water sprinkled around front of lectern, almost nothing SE?T?E?
Thanks in advance for your help....
17 across. Clue; Piano is not TV studio equipment (8). I have: ??I?T?O? 18 across. Clue: Friend using jagged blade to cut leg (3,4). I have: ??D ?E?? Help please.
(24) across . High places in Scottish resort that's special (6) letters Ay?I?A (not sure about the last letter(a) thank you. Looks lke ayries (nests ??)...