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26 (a) Quiz: what do some locos run on? (5) I have tra?? Is it track? if so what has it do with Quiz. Alternatively, is it tract? The final letter is the first of 27 (d) I kept in contact, say,...
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3 down - A duke in Eilat twice ravaged a self-seeker's wife (8, 4) L?E?I?I?D?? Could it be Laetitia D???...
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I'm stuck on 52D ballysedin game with trap or spell, or a knot in a tree trunk. I've got knur but this doesn't really with sudoku. Is knor an alternative of knur? Sorry if I'm being dense
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Struggling with a few top right, so these two should help me to finish: 4A Diarrhoea intense around mid-March - become exhausted (3,5) -U- / ----T 13A Order made to an over-zealous disciplinarian for...
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help please-I now have recounted and relise both the 13 letter words are in the bottom grid-all went wellbut have ended up with two xs andno 0/s which is obviously wrong-could some kind soul tell me...
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tried to send this online as recommended next to grid but got a 404 message-anyone been successful?if so,how?
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S-u-W-I-g. 9 tetters
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1 down - Bible lying around throne in Balmoral? (6) T???C?
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Stuck with this last one Repeatedly curtailed victory manly powerful trio obtained(9) Solution has the following letters (IIRTV) not in order though Any help will be greatly appreciated...
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In case anyone is thinking that they can just nip abroad after 17th May - they might want to look at the government list of "green" countries and compare them with the entry requirements for the...
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14a Tax perverted sex article (5) T-T-E. I'm thinking TITHE, but don't understand how the clue works?
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Can anyone help with this clue from Oldie magazine: c = flipping zero divided by zero (4), (where I deduce c to be "cat" - from other clues). I have ?i?n. Is it Lion or Zion or Sign or??...
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anyone able to put up grids and questions for today's both jumbos and the cryptic?thanks
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anyone able to put up the 2 bank holiday jumbos -grids/questions,please-thanks
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5 down - In Italy, one embraced by devious macho Shakespearean seducer, apparently (7) ????I??
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Hello Clever People! This is my first attempt at a Spectator Crossword, and I'm pleased to have picked up Doc's mindset and completed all but one answr. Could I please ask for help with 37d (_U_S)....
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comedian 3/7 KHTRTEBCEB...
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27a) In the past it's been squeezing a lady's top (6) -A-E-N The only word I can think of is "sateen". But that's a material, not a lady's top....
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last one-starts k-any greek who took to the mountains in patriotic resistance to the C15th turkish conquest of greece 6 also where do the A and M 13 letter words go to give me a way into the...
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Having problems with the unclued lights. For 8d and 10d I think it may be PICK UP SONG and for 25a it may be KAZOO but can't make any sense of 26d. Any help on the reasoning of these clues would be...

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