Can anyone help on daily mail giant crossword please. the 6 letters for the overall word I have I?PPED. the clue for the second letter is HURL _E_T. cant make any sense of it today.
can anyone help me please with linked answers? have bed, pop, pet and ford to put together. The others I used were paper /chase and soap/ flakes. thank you
struggling with unusual words definitions for delphinet and dragomachy. have put delphinet as a young dolphin and dragomachy as a duel between dragons. can anyone confirm this please?
Can anyone help here please? 4D soft fabric made from linen fibre (4) ?I?T
(The I comes from answer picador to 8A a bullfight horseman armed with a lance)
many thanks....
any help please with last 4: 5d member of dominicans or franciscans (5) ???A? 12A cold bloodied vertebrate (7) ??P?I?E 18a lawyers of french dodgy dealer unusually tame (7,4) ?E?E?C? / T?A? 24d...
8a Scotland's own hurried northwards, in fantasy land (6) n?r??? 17a Really enjoying French wine encased in firewood (6) ?o???g 50d The Spanish swimming aid is small and delicate (5) e?l?n, pozsibly...
anyone help please for last three: 28A he's crazy to pocket ball at end of break (8) ??A?T?O? 21D governors assistant imprisoned by a revolutionary member of tribe (6) ?????E 23A No honours in such an...
please can you help me for the last ones: 6d excitedly eager (4) A?O? 12d ardent fan (7) ?D?I?E? 29a former institution for the destitute (9) ?O?R?O?S? 30d taught a skill (7) ?R?I?Y? have seen this as...