This is probably me - turn the printer on, have the page ready, press print and it's taking me to print output save - a file page, rather than into print. So what needs adjusting please? thanks in...
Had one of these this morning as urgent appointment. I am due in hospital Monday morning and the operation would have been cancelled if I didn't have one. I was a bit disconcerted at the appointment....
I 'thought' I'd got the right drama, but as I can't find any of the characters in the grid, I'm now begining to doubt my idea! Without giving too much away is the drama T by GDM ? If not can someone...
I'm all filled in and have the cryptic clue (from the extra letters) have the fifth thematic item. But, now I'm stuck with what to write below the grid. All I can come up with is the last word. Could...
This puzzle is several weeks old, but the last clue is holding out on us:
Scottish philosopher going north to avoid (3)
We have E_U, and yes, it is a Down clue....
There are single extra words in most clues.
22 D. More than one offensive Italian onlooker sees around a tree (6)
8 D. Sportive eye spying on ostriches (6) ???s??
Thanks for any help....
16 A. Cor, cut off chap backing as animal bounds (9,2 words) ?o???a??? 21 A. I heard warts dissolved with eastern lotions (6) ?a???? (I tried to get anagrams of 'warts'+'e' (eastern), but got...
Just one left!
32 across: Part of the rigging abraded by extremes of swell (6) S _U_SL
(the 'D' needs to be removed from the clue so it's abrade not abraded I assume)
Thanks in advance...
I have a full grid (less 31a) and have the message - also 9 words, 5 of which are connected to what I believe is the sporting theme and 4 which are not.
Any tips on where to go from here?...
I'm making heavy weather of this, any help would be appreciated. This is thematic and 'in every clue but one, a letter must be removed from the definition part before solving.' (These letters lead to...
18 A. River's flow swamping southern part of US city (8,2 words) ?a??s??? 17 A. A mostly muffled alto note is flatter (7) ????a?? PS. There are some alterations to be made after solving some clues,...
Is nobody but me having any difficulty with this? I have solved many of the clues but cannot spot any "thematic modification" that would enable me to actually enter anything. Could somebody...
In the Indie Inquisitor 1213 I can't resolve an answer to unnumbered clue "Hitler heartlessly destroyed German state" (5). As with all Inquisitor puzzles deriving the answer is not straight...
I've got the grid filled in and have the 16 thematic cells highlightened. However : "Clashes must be resolved, leaving real words (I've done that) so that an appropriate word reads down the...