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St Edmunds Church Quiz (Cryptic TV and TV Story) My most sincere apologies for the very late response to the above quiz due to illness and family problems.There were 10 all correct answers and the...
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NEW QUIZ St Edmunds Church Carlisle The Quiz consists of a Story (Titles of Shakespeare Plays) and Cryptic Islands and Capital Cities. This Quiz is available by Email ( [email protected]) or...
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St Edmund's Church Carlisle Quiz in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. The Quiz consists of a Football Story and Cryptic Occupations. Entry Fee £1. Closing Date 31st December. Prize £10 Quiz available...
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Star Signs Quiz I only need one more...58. Favourite Guinness advert? The toucan certainly Can anyone help Thanks in advance Rosynosy...
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St Edmunds Christmas quiz 2012. There were 6 all correct answer sheets and the winner drawn out of the hat was D.Odam of Nottingham. Congratulations! Our New Quiz is Cryptic TV Police and Detective...
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Can anyone help with song titles which have a country or connection with a country in title TSM by DS BD by GH MIE by EJ M by BD thanks for any help...
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Hi can anyone help with songs with a connection with a country in title 1. clue TOJW 2. MBFGW 3.TGG 4.HR 5. MIR...
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can anyone help with NO28 Double Bill Explodes

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