Playing rummikub with French friends and have a dispute. Is it possible to open my play with 7,8,9, and 10,10, using a 10 that is available already on the board to make an additional set of three...
29 across: One of the four gaits of a horse or pony, or a general name for a farm where a hound puppy is sent for training. (4) I have -a-k . Answer is either walk or rack. Both fit with horse gait...
I have answers to last 3 but not sure and can’t parse. 13a. Consult expert about name in quizzical way. (7) a?k?n?? askance? 8d. Is penny invested in stupid deal (8) I have d?s???s? Dispense.? 19d...
Last one! 25a incomplete sentence? Labour can be limited this way (4,4)
I have p?r?t e. Think it must be part time but can't see how it fits the clue
Assistance much appreciated...
19 d, Direct punk trio to go on the rampage. (3,4). I have r_n/_i_t and think it must be run something meaning rampage but brain freeze has set in. Assistance much appreciated
5d - Form of licensing whereby intellectual property such as software, source code or art may be used modified and redistributed freely without restriction (8). I have c?p?l?f? Any assistance much...
19d. For the audience, draw a number- get tense. (7) I have 'tighten' but don't fully understand how it fits the clue? An explanation (or correction) would be most appreciated. Thanks in anticipation