large carrier bag of windfalls. with more to come... freezer jam jars.... can do apple crumbles (some with blackberries), and pies, and apple cake, but will have to give them to friends...
Rearranging the spare room to house all my craft stuff.... I now have fabric in boxes, rugs on the bed and a load of clothes still to sort out,,, and I am getting tired ...still got two baskets of...
I need a fix of MHG
apparently it will be like last year six thursdays with an unsprung after each Kate just the boys
Swwoooooooooon get practicing ladies........
twice a year I swap my clothes around...soon be time to get my Autumn /winter clothes from their storage bags and put the summer stuff away....(need more wardrobes but no more space) anyone else do...
about 50 asstd Magpies, crows and rooks in the trees outsde my flat...making an awful racket at 0430 this morning... thought at first they might be mobbing something but they just seemed to be... looks like they have either a good plan or good drugs not sure which found it by chance...any midlanders on here should find it amusing I want to apply for the...
the Birmingham university Kestrel family are back... looks like only two juveniles with them but showing well over the playing fields as the parents teach the young ones to hunt they successfully...
thre big military choppers landed behind the hospital today...we are used to the odd chinook but these were single rotor and had I think 5 windows down the side any idea what they might be...I suppose...
I was interested to hear that 21% of those seeking to die were simply 'weary of life' Probably the biggest argument against it becoming legal here.... but what a wonderfully touching programme......