Spring watch is back again for another year, which leads me once again to wonder wheres Bill Oddie?I used to really like him with Kate Humble. Is he unwell?
How many of you have put up an England flag for the football - in your car, window, outside house etc?
And how many of you wear a poppy every November?
Just a thought.......
I had the pleasure of talking to 2 brilliant old codgers in Cardiff at the weekend who had fascinating stories to tell of their lives and even at 96 and 77 respectively, still had a wicked SOH and a...
The backbone of the starting line-up should be ...
In goal ... Paul Robinson
Defence ... Rio Ferdinand
Midfield ... Wayne Bridge
Attack ... Theo Walcott...
Ladies and Gents, i'm going to be a bit personal now. I know it's unlike me to ever discuss the act of intimacy but I thought i'd break the habit of a lifetime and start a thread. So go on then folks....